Springbooot 使用 websocket 实现即时通信
- SatvikNema/satchat: simple chat application over stomp (web sockets) with user authentication
- Real-Time Chat application using Spring Web Sockets and StompJs | by Satvik Nema | Medium
- 3.WebSockets | Spring5 参考指南
- How To Implement Apple Sign-In (Single Sign-On) Using Spring Boot | by Rohan Ravindra Kadam | Javarevisited | Medium
- 一套海量在线用户的移动端 IM 架构设计实践分享(含详细图文)-IM 开发/专项技术区 - 即时通讯开发者社区!
- 公告、活动、推送与站内信(详解架构 + 库表设计) - 掘金
- RSocket :: Spring 框架
- Spring Boot 3: Authenticate Websocket Connections With JWT Tokens. | by POOJITHA IROSHA | Medium
- Spring WebSocket and Redis Pub/Sub | by Deniz G | Medium
- 处理 Amazon Beanstalk 上的 Spring Boot 集群 Websockets - 代码日志
- Spring 中的 WebSocket,第 3 部分:基于 WebSocket 的 STOMP | 通过 Aliaksandr Liakh | 中等的
- java - Spring Stomp over Websocket:流式传输大文件 - VoidCC
- WebSocket Implementation with Spring Boot and STOMP | Toptal®
- stomp - Sending binary data stompClient to Spring-websocket controller and consuming - Stack Overflow
- RSocket 入门:Spring Boot 服务器
- 使用 Spring Boot 的 RSocket | 拜尔东